This SQL tutorial explains how to use the SQL CREATE TABLE statement with syntax, examples, and practice exercises.


The SQL CREATE TABLE statement allows you to create and define a table.


The syntax for the CREATE TABLE statement in SQL is:

CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], column2 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], . );

Parameters or Arguments

table_name The name of the table that you wish to create. column1, column2 The columns that you wish to create in the table. Each column must have a datatype. The column should either be defined as NULL or NOT NULL and if this value is left blank, the database assumes NULL as the default.


Let's look at a SQL CREATE TABLE example.

CREATE TABLE suppliers ( supplier_id int NOT NULL, supplier_name char(50) NOT NULL, contact_name char(50) );

This SQL CREATE TABLE example creates a table called suppliers which has 3 columns.

Now the only problem with this SQL CREATE TABLE statement is that you have not defined a primary key for the table. We could modify this SQL CREATE TABLE statement and define the supplier_id as the primary key as follows:

CREATE TABLE suppliers ( supplier_id int NOT NULL, supplier_name char(50) NOT NULL, contact_name char(50), CONSTRAINT suppliers_pk PRIMARY KEY (supplier_id) );

Practice Exercise #1:

Create a SQL table called customers that stores customer ID, name, and address information.

Solution for Practice Exercise #1:

The SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the customers table is:

CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id int NOT NULL, customer_name char(50) NOT NULL, address char(50), city char(50), state char(25), zip_code char(10) );

Practice Exercise #2:

Create a SQL table called customers that stores customer ID, name, and address information.

But this time, the customer ID should be the primary key for the table.

Solution for Practice Exercise #2:

The SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the customers table is:

CREATE TABLE customers ( customer_id int NOT NULL, customer_name char(50) NOT NULL, address char(50), city char(50), state char(25), zip_code char(10), CONSTRAINT customers_pk PRIMARY KEY (customer_id) );

Practice Exercise #3:

Based on the departments table below, create a SQL table called employees that stores employee number, employee name, department, and salary information. The primary key for the employees table should be the employee number. Create a foreign key on the employees table that references the departments table based on the department_id field.

CREATE TABLE departments ( department_id int NOT NULL, department_name char(50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT departments_pk PRIMARY KEY (department_id) );

Solution for Practice Exercise #3:

The SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the employees table is:

CREATE TABLE employees ( employee_number int NOT NULL, employee_name char(50) NOT NULL, department_id int, salary int, CONSTRAINT employees_pk PRIMARY KEY (employee_number), CONSTRAINT fk_departments FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments(department_id) );