The National Education Strategic Plan takes into account much of the policies that have been developed or implemented before my appointment as Minister of Education in January, 2012. A renewed emphasis on accountability, security and safety in schools, early childhood development, information and communication technology ( ICT) and media in education, and national literacy and numeracy thrusts are among the main elements of this plan. I must also acknowledge that this document takes into account the recommendations of the 2004 Task Force on Educational Reform, Jamaica. Some of the recommendations have already been implemented, while others are at varying stages of implementation. Th e modernisation of the Ministry of Education is advanced and generally in keeping with the Public Sector Modernisation Programme.
Our educational institutions must deliver better results, and to achieve this we need all stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education, our educators, students and parents to fulfi ll their responsibilities. Th e Ministry of Education must lead the process and has identifi ed the strategic priorities which will guide our eff orts. The priorities are:
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago's Ministry of Education Plan 2011 - 2015
Document Type: PDF Comments: 0 FILED UNDER: PDF, Other Technical, Policy Documents Date Published: July 1, 2008Multigrade teaching and learning – where a teacher is responsible for learners in two or more curriculum grades at the same time – is a frequent occurrence in small schools worldwide. These schools are particularly common in low income countries and in rural areas, making the provision of quality multigrade teaching and learning in them key to achieving Education for All and to increasing meaningful educational access. This policy brief outlines the challenges facing teachers and students in multigrade settings, key strategies for multigrade management, and examples of innovative practice.
Document Type: PDF Comments: 0 Author: Jamaica Ministry of Education Date Published: March 1, 2011The Ministry of Education in its policy thrust to raise the literacy level of the school-aged population, implemented in 2009, the Competence-Based Transition Policy to regulate the flow of children from the primary to the secondary level. This new direction will link eligibility for Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) to certification in literacy based on the externally administered Grade 4 Literacy Test.
Document Type: PDF Comments: 0 FILED UNDER: PDF, Policy Documents, Jamaica Ministry of Education Author: Jamaica Ministry of Education Date Published: October 1, 2009The Sector Plan for Education is influenced by the guiding principles in the Vision 2030 Jamaica -National Development Plan and is based on a shared vision of placing Jamaica prominently on the global map in terms of excellence in education. The Plan will build on work already undertaken by the Task Force on Education Transformation. It recognizes the importance of the integration between education and training.